Programming in c++ language

C++, coding

C++ language is a programming language that has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, which also provides facilities for low-level memory manipulation.


C++ was designed with a bias toward system programming and embedded, resource-constrained and large systems, in recognition of the limitations of existing languages such as C. As a result, the language was designed to accept more complex programs than might typically be written in a high-level language. In C++, for example, it is possible to write relatively complex memory management routines in C++ instead of having to use an entirely different language to accomplish such tasks.


It is one of the most popular programming languages, and it is the second most widely used programming language. C++ is a successor of the C language and provides low-level support for object-oriented programming.


Below is an example of a simple programming in C++ language:


A basic C++ program


We'll start with a really simple program that just outputs some text to the screen.


// A very basic C++ program, which simply prints "Hello World!" to the screen.




 void main() { std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl; }


C++ is an object-oriented language that supports both procedural programming  and functional programming. It's considered a low-level language because it doesn't abstract away the machine details like higher-level languages do; instead, it provides direct access to memory locations and CPU registers. This gives C++ an advantage when working with hardware devices such as graphics cards or network cards; however, it also makes it more difficult to debug than other high-level languages such as Java or Python, so beginners often find C++ challenging to learn.




  1. The main advantage of using C++ is that it allows you to write very efficient code that runs fast on today's computers. If you are writing a program on a machine with a Pentium processor or better, then C++ is probably your best choice. 

  2. The second benefit is portability: if you can compile a program in C++ on one machine, then it should run unmodified on other machines too (unless there are platform-specific features). 

  3. A third benefit is that C++ allows you to do object-oriented programming (OOP) where you can create classes that represent real-world objects such as bank accounts or people.

  4. C++ is a simple, powerful and flexible language, which can do anything from a simple program to very complex applications. 

  5. Coding in C++ is easy, but it takes time to master it properly. 

  6. Since the entire program is compiled at once, it produces faster execution and less memory usage than interpreted languages like Java or Python.

  7. C++ has a clear syntax which makes it easier to read and understand. It also allows programmers to write code that is easy to maintain even after years of use due to its well-defined rules (e.g., no implicit type conversions).

  8. The maintenance cost of C++ programs is low because the source code can be reused without any change as long as there are no changes in your system requirements or environment.



Coding in c++ language is very lucrative and it is also good if you are just a beginner in coding. In this article, I have shown you some benefits of coding in c++ language and also showed you a simple code in c++.

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