Connect Your Device Over WIFI Instead of USB Cable in VScode(Visual Studio Code) to Debug Your Flutter App

flutter, android, vs code, coding, dart

Firstly you be have to update all your extensions, the  check that you already have the ADB if not, get it here: LINK

then make sure to enable developer options …

now Install the ADB Commands for VSCode extension

you have to make sure that you add the ADB to your system Environment variables by following these steps:

start typing ” envir..“ in Cortana search box and click over-edit the system Environment variables

now click over “ Environment variables”

select the path and hit Edit

now you have to add the path correctly to the platform-tools

in my case it’s


Click “New” and add the path you copied.

Now you must enable USB debugging in your device.

to do so, 

1. Navigate to Settings > About Phone > scroll to the bottom > tap Build number seven (7) times. You’ll get a short pop-up in the lower area of your display saying that you’re now a developer.

2. Go back and now access the Developer options menu, check ‘USB debugging’ and click OK on the prompt

in the VScode hit Ctrl+shift+p and select

ADB::Connect to device IP

To find your phone’s IP address, go to Settings > About device > Status.

or hit IP in the setting search box because it depends on your phone brand

Note That :

fist you may have to connect your phone via USB then after everything is done you can unplug it


you can connect your phone without any extension simply by following these steps :

1. plug your phone via USB.

2. open your vs terminal ( you can open the terminal using Ctrl+ `)

adb tcpip 1031[your phone port]

adb connect [YOUR_IP_address]

3. unplug your phone and enjoy.

Bonus :

you can display and control android devices and mirror them entirely to your pc using totally free, a lightweight tool called Scrcpy

it’s super easy to install and use.

you can download it directly from their Github page :

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